Only 1,248 produced! Chromed out version of Kahne's Mopar 'Bling Bling' car comes individually numbered...ROOKIE STRIPES... Just think how great this color chrome version will look in your collection! This individually numbered piece.
By now you probably know about this Awesome car Kasey ran at the 2004 October Charlotte night race. A must-have for Kahne collectors.
This diecast car is precision-engineered by Action Performance, the definitive brand in NASCAR collectibles. It's body and chassis are all-diecast; hood and deck lid open; features superior quality tampo-graphics; exhaust openings; aero-designed wheels; manufacturer-specific engine detail; intricate fuel compartment; premium quality paint; disc brake assembly; and lots more! Dimensions on this car are 8 3/4" x 3 1/8" x 2" inches and it is attractively packaged in it's uniquely designed box. As always, car will arrive in mint condition... in STOCK